About the author

Who am I?

Hi, my name is Dexxter Clark.
I have been a DJ since I was 14 years old.
It was my brothers birthday that I took the role of DJ for the first time.

For twelve years I spinned dance parties and the weekly social dance night at my dancing school.
Here I learned reading the crowd, the flow of an evening and adjusting song choices accordingly.

It was in 2016 that I was in Ibiza and saw a DJ spinning in club Privilege with professional equipment.
I was hooked!

I dove into all the specifics of proper DJ equipment and took a DJ course to learn how to operate them.
I started a YouTube channel in 2017 about djing to share my knowledge with the rest of the world.
Which eventually led to this website.


Guest posts / sponsorships

I do sponsored posts or guest posts, only for products/services related to DJing.
Otherwise, please don’t bother getting in touch, I will not respond.

I receive 100’s of email per day about pills, neck pillows, weight loss drugs, fitness gear, translators, WIFI repeaters, chairs, cushions, window frames, drones, brushes, makeup, kitchen knives, VPN’s, suitcases etc etc.
That was an example of yesterday’s email.

For sponsorships, you can fill out the contact form here.
I have multiple YouTube channels and sites, don’t forget to mention which channel/site you want to collab on.

Product Support

For product support, you can fill out the contact form here.

Social Media

Instagram: @dexxterclark
YouTube: @dexxterclarkmusic
YouTube: @deejayplaza
Twitter: @dexxterclark

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